How many seasons or kilometers will I get from my winter tires?
Unfortunately, there’s no set “life expectancy” for Winter Tires. Many tire manufacturers estimate that you should get four seasons of wear from a set of winter tires.
Tread wear on winter tires will depend heavily on how many kilometers you drive each month. Whether those kilometers are primarily on snow or ice covered roads also plays a part. The tread wears quicker if the tire is running on freezing road surfaces than if they are on snow for most of the season. Low mileage drivers will get much longer use out of their winter tires than drivers who have both long winters and drive long distances.
How to care/store your winter tires
One of the most important aspects of tire-care is that you should change them out when temperatures are regularly above or below 5°C.
Leaving winter tires on when temperatures get warmer will increase wear since the compounds that allow a winter tire to stay flexible in freezing temps also wear faster on warm roads.
High heat, freezing temperatures and exposure to light are the biggest contributors to any tire’s aging process. We recommend storing your tires indoors, where they are protected from temperature fluctuations. Be sure to clean the tires thoroughly and ensure they are dry. An airtight tire storage bag is best. If you don’t have a storage bag a heavy-duty black garbage bag can be a good substitute. Remove as much air possible from the bag and securely close the bag. Ideally, your tires are cool and dry while being stored, so avoid storing tires near a water heater, or radiator.
When is it time for new winter tires?
Age and tread will be the indicators of when it’s time to look for a new set of winter tires. If you want a great deal, call us at (855) 829-8408. Unlike an all season or summer tire, winter tires need to have a much deeper tread to be effective and safe.
The first thing you should do when pulling out your winter tires for the first time each season is check tread depth. If your tires have a tread depth of 5/32 or lower, there will not be enough tread remaining to get you through the winter. Winter tire tread patterns are designed to bite into and evacuate snow and slush so that extra tread depth will provide your best traction on the road.
You should also always check your tires for visible damage that may indicate that it’s time for a new set. Keep an eye out for deep cracks in the rubber, sidewall damage and replace all four tires if you find significant damage.
Check out our Instagram and Facebook pages to watch videos on how to check your tire depth without a gauge @DoortoDoorAuto or give us a call for a free quote. (855) 829-8408